• contact@cmtggi.org
  • +234 902 164 2835, +234 803 324 0818

Who We Are?

Comfort and Mercy to The Gulf of Guinea Initiative (CMTGGI) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered in Nigeria. It was founded to advance the health and socio-economic well-being of the most vulnerable people of the Gulf of Guinea region which spans eleven countries.

We formally started in 2017 with a commitment to facilitate the visit of any of the two US Naval Ships, USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy to our shores to help with the much needed mop up operations for some of the healthcare challenges in the region.

These challenges have surged in the recent past and we are currently dealing with a full scale humanitarian crisis that has overwhelmed the best efforts of the various governments. While awaiting a response from our prospective benefactors, the Board of CMTGGI sought to improve the health literacy of the region through regular health education which we have been providing through our Facebook handle (how we existed prior to formal registration) since 2016

The lessons learnt so far have informed our policy thrust going forward and we intend to pursue our mission through a multi-faceted approach comprising:

Health Promotion

Through regular publication of easily comprehensible health education materials, organization of workshops which will engender hands on application of knowledge where possible among the general public.

Health Care Delivery

Using a combination of mobile clinics and telemedicine we are going to bring optimal health to millions currently without access and improve health indices in Gulf of Guinea.

Socio-Economic Revival

While efforts aimed at health education are commendable, we are also mindful that people are less open to health advice when starving as much as the sick are hardly productive. The resulting vicious cycle as a result of this mix poses a grave danger to our efforts hence we are keen to help people with the tools to leading more productive lives.

Join Us

We appreciate your interest and are keen to get you onboard either as part of the team here or as a Volunteer. Kindly register your details and one of us will promptly get in touch with you.

Our Vision

To be an Organization which plays a primal part in bringing succour to the people of the Gulf of Guinea countries by means of health care planning and provisioning.

Our Mission

Advocating and supporting regular visits of hospital ships to the countries in the Gulf of Guinea.


CMTGGI is run by a Board made up of the Founder and four other Directors. Invitations are currently being extended to Advisers who’ll help with guiding policy initiatives of the Board.


The day to day running of CMTGGI is vested in the Executive Director and Management team. The Executive Director reports to the Board at least quarterly.

Our Team

Meet our Board

Stay in Touch

Comfort and Mercy To The Gulf of Guinea Initiative. 
Registered in Nigeria.
CAC/IT/No. 99944